Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Ballerina Girl

Ella started ballet a couple weeks ago and she LOVES it!  She loves it so much that sometimes she starts doing her own routine and going all free-style during class....uh-oh!  The teacher told her she really needed to follow directions and do exactly what the teacher is doing and not her own thing.  And, yes, I'm cringing in the hallway while I listen in!  Her response was, "Okay, I'll try, but I just loooovvve ballet so much!"  Welcome to my life Teacher Rebecca, welcome! ;)  

Friday, January 14, 2011

We Love the Ducks!

Despite the sad loss of the National Championship on Monday....we still love our Ducks!  We got all dressed up in our gear and watched, rather tensely at times, the whole game! Well, at least the girls did until bedtime.  I have a cute video of them cheering, but since I haven't figured out how to download them, it will have to wait for another post. (Most likely way, way off in the future!) Ella told us the next morning that OUR cheering kept her up! ;)  Wish our cheering could have changed the outcome of the game, but that's exactly what it is....just a game and in the whole scheme of things it shouldn't become the most important thing to us.  At the end of the day what's truly important is our faith, family, and friends and that will always WIN in the end!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Chair Project

We haven't done many projects lately...just too hard with the girls running around, so why we decided to try this weekend I'll never know.  It started out innocently enough, just wondering how hard it would be to take the chair apart.  I had already bought fabric at a store going out of business and it was sitting there just waiting, so next thing you know we're tearing old fabric off and using it as a pattern.  We were busy cutting, sewing, stapling and before we knew it, it was MIDNIGHT!  Yikes, the girls will be up by 7 at the latest....what are we doing!? ;)  We finished them up today and I even managed to make a couple pillow covers and table cloth to tie it altogether!  We love the finished project, but now it's got us wanting to paint the kitchen...ahhh!!!  How is it that one project usually leads to another? :)  Here's a couple pics of the before and after!  Enjoy....



Matching pillow covers
PS-If you love this fabric, I have approx. 5-7 yards leftover that I'll sell for a steal....just let me know! :)

Monday, January 3, 2011

Locks of Love

We finally did it! We cut Ella's super long hair and donated it to Locks of Love today.  She looks darling, but it's so different and I find myself looking at her more often that usual to make sure it's really her! :)  I won't miss the tangles or tears over brushing out her hair, though!


Two 10" ponytails

The big snip! 


Complete with sparkle spray!

Happy Girl looking at herself! :)

The "donation"