Sooooo, it's been forever since I've updated this! Is anyone still reading this? If you are, you better leave a comment so I'll know and then I'll be MUCH better about updating! ;-) Or become friends with me on facebook and you'll never be behind in the McKean family fun! Ha!
We've had a busy and fun-filled summer and here our some of the highlights:
We had some beautiful weather in May, so we tried to get out and go for hikes or bike rides as much as possible. Here is a fun park we went to in Lake Oswego. |
Both girls danced at there recital with Sherwood Dance in June. They were adorable! |
Spray bottles & otter pops = summer has arrived! |
"Groupon" Mommy/Daughter date to the ice, but brrrr! |
Party favor = Silly Ella
Aunt Anna came to visit during Rose Festival so we went to see the floats & to the zoo! |
Fun cowgirl birthday party for one of our neighbors....exciting times riding a pony & feeding it carrots! |
Field Day & graduating from Kindergarten all in the same week!
Father's Day! |
Camping Family Reunion & celebrating Mom's 60th over the 4th of July! |
Wildlife Safari! |
Sister is at art camp so we will have our own art camp at home! |
Okay, now you're all caught up through July!! We hope you have a great rest of the summer...we know we will be soaking up the sun while we can! :)