Monday, August 6, 2012

Summer Fun

Sooooo, it's been forever since I've updated this!  Is anyone still reading this?  If you are, you better leave a comment so I'll know and then I'll be MUCH better about updating! ;-)  Or become friends with me on facebook and you'll never be behind in the McKean family fun! Ha! 
We've had a busy and fun-filled summer and here our some of the highlights: 

 We had some beautiful weather in May, so we tried to get out and go for hikes or bike rides as much as possible.  Here is a fun park we went to in Lake Oswego.

Both girls danced at there recital with Sherwood Dance in June.  They were adorable!

Spray bottles & otter pops = summer has arrived!

"Groupon" Mommy/Daughter date to the ice, but brrrr!

Party favor = Silly Ella

Aunt Anna came to visit during Rose Festival so we went to see the floats & to the zoo!

Fun cowgirl birthday party for one of our neighbors....exciting times riding a pony & feeding it carrots! 

Field Day & graduating from Kindergarten all in the same week!

Father's Day!

Camping Family Reunion & celebrating Mom's 60th over the 4th of July!

Wildlife Safari!

Sister is at art camp so we will have our own art camp at home!

Okay, now you're all caught up through July!! We hope you have a great rest of the summer...we know we will be soaking up the sun while we can! :)


  1. What a fun summer! I'm still reading and love hearing how you're all doing.

  2. I think you may be one of the only ones!! :)
