Thursday, July 21, 2011


We've been home all week because Ella is going to VBS with a buddy of hers every day from 9-12pm and it pretty much makes it impossible to go much of anywhere when Addi needs a nap at 1pm. 

 Thus, project time around the house! :) 
It started so innocently in our closet, which I've been neglecting for weeks, okay who am I kidding....more like months and months! ;-)  Anyway,  once I finally started going it really didn't take that long to finish and the feeling I had afterwards was so wonderful and a weight taken off my shoulders.  

Why had I waited so long? 
I then was inspired to move onto the pantry which lead to some cupboards in the kitchen that had become "catch-alls" if you know what I mean.  Man, I'm on a roll here and feeling so good....who cares that I'm still in my p.j.'s!  

Once again, I thought why do I wait so long to do this and why do I let it get so bad?  

Onto the office which was my least favorite.  Stacks of bills, receipts, and other paperwork needed to be shredded....ended up being 6 bags full when done!  Some things I found were painful reminders of hurts and pain from the past and shredding it all up was somewhat like closure.  We are about to tackle the last job today...the toys! Ahhhh!

 As I'm reflecting on this week of purging and organization I am struck with how it truly has brought me more of a sense of peace and I don't think I'm alone in this feeling.  In going through the closets and rooms I've had to decide what's important and what's not and throw some stuff out into the sale's no longer going to be my burden.  I can see the parallel to God calling us to cast all our cares upon Him and let Him carry the burdens of our life.  When it comes down to it we are not made to carry such burdens, but God is.  All the pain, hurt, and extra "stuff" that we have carried around in the rooms and closets of our heart and mind CAN be purged and given away. God is willing to "re-organize" our lives if we will simply let Him.  And if you think the feeling of peace you get from organizing your home is great than just wait till you let God be in control of your life and allow Him to carry your burdens and extra "stuff!"  It's not an easy task to get started at and it may take longer than you expected, but when you've given it all to God and feel that peace deep within your soul you will be saying, "Why did I wait so long?" And what's even more wonderful is that God will never leave us during this process, even when we begin to store and hold on to things or making mistakes again...
He'll still be there, waiting for us.   

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.  Jeremiah 29:11